IRC poetry for relearn


from #2084

what i see




faber vs ludens?

In an utilitarian society, buildings has to be efficiently designed to allow efficient production [Static space]

For homo ludens it has no meaning to think space in a productive way because productivity is not an aim [Dynamic space]

space as a toy, not a tool [Dynamic space]

To get lost or surprised is pretty much enjoyed [The labyrinth]

Ludens's space can be imagined as dynamic, oposed to static productivist space

labyrinth a metaphore of space and time with no regular pattern

A space of disorientation, for loss and surprise (that's what ludens likes)

Happy urbanism [crave adventure, creating situations, infringing the laws, effective activities in life and in culture, the image of a happier life, pleasure ][We crave adventure. Not finding it on earth, some men have gone to seek it on the moon. We prefer to wager on a change on earth. We propose creating situations, new situations, here. We count on infringing the laws that hinder the development of effective activities in life and in culture. We

are at the dawn of a new era and are already attempting to sketch out the image of a happier life, of unitary urbanism (the urbanism intended to bring pleasure)]


come on down!

It's time to leave the year 2084.

authors : FS , mariasolebravo , manetta , poetbot, Loraine , MMink