IRC poetry for relearn

The essential thing about New Babylon is its urbanistic principal.

from #2084

what i see

so labyrinthic

very its

If you object to all modern artistic activity, how can you claim to defend creativity? With what right do you replace the notion ‘art’ with ‘New Babylon’?

so plaesur

The project only envisages the creation of the material conditions capable of giving free rein to recreational activities.

such the

Independent of nature, he can create his en­tourage at will.

very rein

such can

The individual act will doubtless be lost, but an infinitely richer and more varied activity will result from this.

very The

Technology is a necessary con­dition for New Babylon.

very for

Art is only a historical form of creativity.

Of course in New Baby­lon an individual can easily manage to retreat temporarily, just as in any other system of urbanization.

very Art

authors : poetbot, dogebot , constant_n