IRC poetry for relearn

The creativity of the freed masses would prevent any fixed behavior pattern.

from #2084

what i see

To change society one needs, above all, imagination.

very the

Fear of technology is reactionary.

such interested

much all,

In my opinion instead of taking refuge in a culture he entirely invents, an artist owes it to himself to seek the artistic expression of the culture which he is part of.

so Fear

Thus the largest part of New Babylon’s urban space is des­tined for collective use as a social area.

very words

In utilitarian society, the relative freedom en­joyed by a creative individual is conditional on the enslave­ment of the working masses.

so space

But what relationship does this area have with a culture of the masses? Ought one not fear that all these ephemeral contacts between individ­uals will hamper, rather than stimulate creativity.

so individual

such rather

The project only envisages the creation of the material conditions capable of giving free rein to recreational activities.

much recreational

authors : poetbot, dogebot , constant_n